Accreditation and Memberships

The CPD Group accredits high-quality CPD Providers that offer CPD Activities in the UK and Overseas. Learners want high-quality learning opportunities so it’s increasingly important to ensure that our activities meet the required standards. The CPD Group accredits every activity against their A.C.C.R.E.D.I.T.E.D Framework. They list every activity that they accredit on The CPD Register. Cambridge Centre for Innovation and Development is an accredited Continuing Professional Development (CPD) provider and accredited by The CPD Group with provider number: 778816.

European Agency for Higher Education & Accreditation (EAHEA) is an international quality assurance, rating, and accreditation agency working to improve the quality assurance standards of educational institutes all over the world. With its global network of experts, EAHEA grants accreditation to universities, colleges, education institutes, and distance learning centers. Cambridge Centre for Innovation and Development became an official Observer Member of EAHEA in 2023. Later, we received ''Associate Membership'' status in 2025 with membership ID: 25MC1203128. EAHEA has also awarded us a high 'Graded Quality' award in 2025 for outstanding performance in the field of continuing professional development as an Educational Institute with Award Certificate ID: 25QC0503129.

The Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) unites people who are active in the work and study of the UN, to better understand and address the most pressing global issues of our time. ACUNS was established in 1987 by a group of concerned scholars at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, USA. ACUNS increases the accessibility of the UN system to scholars and facilitates the development of new scholarship about the UN and international affairs. It also recognizes and awards exceptional scholarship about the UN system. Cambridge Centre for Innovation and Development is an official ''Institutional Member'' of ACUNS.

The Association for Learning Technology (ALT) is the leading professional body for Learning Technology in the UK. Since ALT was established in 1993, its community has grown to over 3,500 Members as Learning Technology has become a fundamental part of learning, teaching, and assessment. ALT supports a collaborative community for individuals and organisations from all sectors including Further and Higher Education and industry and provides professional recognition and development. We are an 'Organisational Member' of ALT.

The Technology, Pedagogy and Education Association (TPEA), UK is an association that informs policy and practice in education technology. Their unique contribution to this field comes from the members’ research and expertise in teaching, and continuing professional development. Their work includes the development of the teaching of computing and digital capability and the effective use of digital technology in continuing professional development (CPD) programmes. We are a Member of the TPEA.

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) is the UK's independent body set up to uphold information rights. The ICO has an international role, including working with organisations in Europe and elsewhere. The ICO cooperates and acts internationally, and recognises the need to be agile in an ever-changing world. Cambridge Centre for Innovation and Development is registered with the ICO.